For agencies who serve in child welfare to have the tools to identify and submit important needs to help strengthen vulnerable children.
Every Child has been blessed to be the lead implementer of the CarePortal platform in Western New York. Our original vision has always been to engage the church to be a significant part of the solution to see that every child has the support they need. Every Child's CarePortal is an exciting initiative to connect churches, requesting agencies, and community partners to address many of the needs associated with the child welfare space. We does this through a geographically based email communication system that strategically addresses all areas of Child Welfare.
Every Child through a partnership with New York State Office of Children and Family Services has the ability for child-serving agencies to enroll and potentially participate in utilizing CarePortal. Below is required agency reading for different agency types and the CarePortal enrollment form. Every Child would be honored to partner with your agency to see more children and families served by their community in Western New York.